How to Say Goodbye to Your Neighbors When You Move:

Moving can be a complicated part of life that involves a mixed bag of emotions. From the planning to the organizing to finding the right movers, there’s so much to do to stay on top of it all. Beyond the planning, there’s also the emotional side of moving where you’ll have to say goodbye to your neighbors and friends, which can be especially rough if you have children or if you’ve lived in a particular area for a long time. And for many of us, our neighbors end up becoming an extension of our  families where it can be incredibly sad to leave them and move away. To make this part (a little) less painful, include saying goodbye to your closest friends as a part of your moving process. While it can be hectic to find time to fit in fun activities, we are sure that you’ll be so happy to say a proper goodbye and taking a break from that list of things to do is always a good idea! Read on to check out some of our ideas to say goodbye to your neighbors and friends before you embark on your new city or town.

#1 Host a dinner

Before the craziness of packing consumes your time, host a casual dinner party at your home to say to goodbye to your closest friends and neighbors. If that’s too much for you during this time, consider asking your neighbors if they can host a pot-luck dinner where everyone contributes a few dishes.

#2 Have a party

To say goodbye to a large group, consider having a party. If your house is mess from all of the packing, rent out a space at a local restaurant or ask your neighbors if you can have your going-away party there. This could be a good option if you have a lot of close friends and don’t have the time to say goodbye to everyone individually.

#3 Go out to your favorite restaurant

Part of leaving your old town or city also means saying goodbye to some of your favorite eateries. Book a reservation at your favorite restaurant for around 12 or less for dinner. A smaller group makes it a little easier to have meaningful conversations with all of your friends.

#4 Have a picnic

For something a little more casual, invite your friends and neighbors to your local park for a picnic. Have everyone bring a few dishes, some drinks, blankets and some chairs, along with some activities for the kids. Bubbles, balls, and some chalk are lightweight and fun options.

#5 Do something fun

Most moving experiences are pretty grueling with a never-ending list of thing to do. Make a plan with your neighbors to enjoy a fun activity together. This can be anything from an afternoon of bowling to seeing a movie to enjoying a wine tasting together. This will be a great way to relieve any moving day stress and have blast with your neighbor.

#6 Have a packing party

This one is really reserved for neighbors that you are really close with. Invite your friends to come over where they can help you pack. Before they come over, have the items that you will be donating or throwing away separated so that your friends can effectively help you to pack. At the end of the packing, order some takeout or go to your local diner to hang out and thank them for all of their hard work.

#7 Organize a playdate

Leaving friends is really hard for children, especially if you have lived in an area for a long time or since they were born. While it will take them time to adjust to the move and their new life, you can start by helping them to say goodbye to their friends through a series of playdates, leading up to moving day. Figuring out a realistic plan with their friends’ parents could also help to ease up any sad or anxious feelings about your upcoming move.

#8 Create a photo album

If you’ve lived in your area for awhile you’ll likely have tons of pictures or videos from your moments together. Organize a simple photo album from Flickr or Shutterstock with all of your images where you purchase two books: one for you and the other for your neighbor.

#9 Write a thoughtful email

However, some moving experiences are super busy where you might not have enough time to say goodbye to your buds in person. Writing an email or letter to your friends can be just as effective where you would put your thoughts together in a meaningful note.

#10 Make a plan to meet soon

And however you decide to say goodbye, it’s important to discuss ways in which you can stay connected. In today’s digital landscape, it’s easier than ever to stay connected through social media and email. If you won’t be moving that far away, put a date on the calendar where you can meet in the middle for coffee or drinks. If you are moving very far, such as in a cross-country move, make a once a year plan to meet or pick a regular time to Skype and/or FaceTime one another to stay in touch.
There are many facets to the moving experience. One of the most complicated aspects is leaving neighbors, that for many, become close friends or even act as family. While this is a sad part of any move, saying goodbye is a wonderful way to have some closure, celebrate your amazing friendship and promise to have new adventures together soon once you’re settled in.


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