Living with Multiple Roommates:

Living with anyone has its ups and downs. You've most likely experienced living with someone at least once in your life, but what about multiple people? This is a whole 'nother level of stress! 

You have to accommodate multiple people, their likes and dislikes, split up responsibilities evenly, et cetra, et cetra. It will never be smooth sailing, but there are ways to make it a little more bearable. 

  • The first and most important tip is communication; this is at the root of all issues among roommates. It is so important, no matter how many people you are living with, to communicate! If you both just sit back and expect the other to know what you are thinking, nothing will ever get accomplished. 
  • Just because you all live together, doesn't mean you have to hang out together 100% of the time. That's not good for anyone. Giving everyone space is just as important as spending time together. Learn to spend  time apart, especially if you are living with a significant other; the last thing you want to do is end up hating the people you live with. 
  • Personal space extends beyond the obvious and into the fridge. For example, you made an awesome quiche to eat for breakfast throughout the week. You thought you had one slice left, and -- BOOM! Your quiche dish is empty! You didn't plan on sharing any of it, because it's your breakfast. However, your roommate thought that everything in the fridge was fair game. This goes hand-in-hand with communicating. There will always be certain foods you do and don't want to share, and that is perfectly fine! 
  • You're having a disagreement with your roommate on who's turn it is to clean the bathroom. This is not the time to be petty and childish. Don't go pout in your room like a toddler; take the time to discuss and come to an agreement. Maybe they got their days mixed up. Take the high road and offer to cover the cleaning this time. Maybe switch chores for the day. You'll be much happier that you did -- a great segue into the next tip.
  • You have to be willing to bend a little; otherwise, nothing is going to be fixed. If you see accumulation in the dishwasher, unload it. It may take 5 minutes of your time, but it can help out your roommate big time. 
  • If any one of you plan on having people over, shoot your roomies a quick text. You don't have to ask permission, or give an explanation, but a little notice would be nice. Remember, you're not the only one living there. If they want to watch an episode of "Cops" in their underwear, and come home to find "White Chicks" on in the common area, they may be a little disappointed. 
  • Situations are only awkward if you make them awkward, so don't make them awkward. You don't have to entertain each other all the time. It's OK to sit and do nothing with the people you live with.
  • When it comes time to share your space, you have to be aware of any habits you may have (like allowing dirty dishes to pile up in the sink).  Take charge, and offer to help -- whether you wash, and they dry or vice versa. Not only does this help make chores less tedious, but it also helps keep the apartment clean and alleviates some of the bad blood you may have. 

While these are some good pointers, there are other things you should and shouldn't do when it comes to living with multiple people. If you have advice from personal experience, we would love to hear what you have to say! Please leave your tips in the comment section below! 


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