
Showing posts from July, 2014

Home Staging and the Laws of Buyer Attraction:

The spring market is in full swing around the country as homeowners take the plunge and decide to sell.  It is important to make the very best first impression for buyers and that means staging your home before selling.  Barb Schwarz , creator of Home Staging® coined a phrase used by many in the industry,  “The way you live in your home and the way we market and sell your house are two different things.”  What that means is there is nothing “wrong” with how you choose to live in your home. However, selling a house requires a shift in mindset because you are looking to attract a buyer. Staging is the process of preparing a house for sale so it sells in the quickest time and at the best price. It is an up-front investment in time and dollars to ensure you maximize the rate of return on the sale of your house. Think about a time you went to a job interview or on a date. Did you shower, dress up nicely, and present yourself well to the person you were meeting? Hopefully you answered,